Cataract Surgery

There are many reasons for decreased vision but cataract is one of the most common. A cloudy cataract causes glasses to no longer function properly. Cataract surgery involves removal of the dysfunctional lens and replacing it with a new, clear lens. This surgery has become one of the most common and safest surgeries performed in the world.

When you’re ready for cataract surgery, there will be three main categories to choose from:

Advanced-technology multifocal lenses with laser-assisted cataract surgery.

These lenses offer the highest change for spectacle independence after cataract surgery. These are lenses, such as Panoptix or Vivity, that offer not only built-in astigmatism correction, but also extended range of vision. While a small minority of patients can see fine rings around lights at night, this is uncommon and usually the brain neuroadapts to ignore them.

Advanced-technology toric lenses with laser-assisted cataract surgery

These are lenses, called toric lenses, which help to correct astigmatism. Most patients have astigmatism and having it corrected can refine vision to be more crisp after surgery. Glasses will still be needed for certain activities and this can be discussed with your surgeon to achieve a result that fits your needs.

Basic cataract surgery

This surgery uses monofocal standard lenses. This lens is generally covered by insurance. Most patients will require glasses for both distance and near after surgery with this option.