Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are medical devices used to correct refractive errors. They can be a great alternative to glasses when used with care and proper supervision.

If you’re interested in contact lenses, please let us know when scheduling your appointment. Our surgeons (ophthalmologists) DO NOT fit contact lenses, but our optometrists DO. They will be happy to help you find contact lenses that work for you!

What to expect with the contact lens fitting:

There is a fee for the contact lenses as well as the I&R (Insertion and Removal) fitting session.
Please expect up to 2 hours during your appointment to help you learn how to place the contact lenses

How to order contact lenses.

After your appointment, we can assist you in ordering your contact lenses.

What are toric and multifocal (bifocal) lenses?

Toric contact lenses are intended to provide extra correction for astigmatism, an irregular shape to the eye. Your optometrist will be able to determine if you are a good candidate for these lenses.

Multifocal (sometimes called bifocal contact lenses) are contact lenses which provide correction for both distance and close-up vision. Your optometrist will be able to determine if you are a good candidate for these lenses.